Saturday 7 June 2008

Large Mound - My Whole Life Is Have To

Responsible for what some regard as the greatest Irish album cover of all time (2004's 'Go Forth and Amplify' - it deserves to be a stamp), Large Mound's love of a laugh should never obscure their talents as songwriters.
Taking its title from the Steve Martin film 'Parenthood', and featuring some McLovin'-style posing on the sleeve, the quirkiness of 'My Whole Life Is Have To' is matched by the quality of the songs. Here pop and heaviness are brought together by inspired and witty lyrics about the travails of modern life, interpersonal aggravation and how Stephen Malkmus writes those lines.
For anyone who loves riffs and solos, this is a huge treasure trove. So huge that it will make you want to buy an amp for your air guitar.
Harry Guerin